I Can't

Mr. Abhik Bose
PhD Student and Hostel System Administrator

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400076
Ph: 099-6761-5600
Email: abhikbose[at]iitb.ac.in
Who I Am Perusing PhD with Prof. Arindam Chowdhury in Dept. of Chemistry IIT Bombay with a broad area of single molecule microscopy and spectroscopy. Previously completed M.Sc. from IIT Delhi with research experience in aggregation. Have a goal to a scientist, who will play and pray for human-kind. |
Nature and Hobby It's rare, someone spending time to know my hobby, other way I'm enjoying my time to write hobby for probably myself only. Anyway writing is good, it makes thing stable. One of my hobby-in-thought is writing but I've spent and passing hours with thought of unnecessary topics only. Maybe that's my hobby, but none except god know about necessity. Lots of time I've started and finished writing an diary but only in my mind. Now enjoying a lot to learn web-designing. This site may be my texted diary. But facing difficulty to find a good web site host for free except IITB which will expire on completion of my PhD. Let’s stop here and start in About Me. |
Philosophy of Life I'm not sure that it's better to learn by himself or learn from someone's words and experience. But for me the second option is less effective. Some Quotes I follow